Renato Roperto
Associate Professor
Case Western Reserve University
Renato Roperto was born and raised in Brazil. He graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Ribeirao Preto “Unaerp”, Brazil in 2000. Additionally, Dr. Roperto proudly received his Masters from the University of Sao Paulo “FORP-USP” and his PhD from the Sao Paulo State University \"FOAR-Unesp\". In 2008 he joined the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Manitoba, Canada, working as an Assistant Professor in Restorative Dentistry and for 5 years he taught the Disciplines of Operative Dentistry and CAD/CAM. Currently he is a full-time Associate Professor at the Comprehensive Care Department - School of Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio – USA.
Research Interest
Dr. Roperto is conducting research in adhesive technology and microleakage using both CEREC and E4D CAD/CAM technology.