J. Antonio Torres
Associate Professor
Oregon State University
• Over 25 years of experience in food process engineering • Over 150 peer reviewed, book chapters and professional journals publications • Over 300 presentations at national and international meetings • Diverse computer skills for data acquisition, analysis and reporting • International experience in Europe and Latin America • Native Spanish speaker, fluent in German and basic knowledge of French
Research Interest
Improve estimations of safety, quality, shelf-life and cost of fresh & processed food products by: 1) Including in all calculations the variability of raw material properties, product composition, processing and packaging effects, and of conditions encountered during product storage and marketing; 2) Generating frequency distributions supporting decisions with the confidence level desired/required by the user (e.g., 90 day shelf-life with 95% confidence of meeting the quality and safety expectations of consumers). Conventional and novel food processing technologies focusing on high pressure processing (HPP) and pressure-assisted thermal processing (PATP). Production, characterization and utilization of biopolymers focusing on chitin production for foods and pharmaceuticals using a diatom-based biorefinery. Assessment of the localized environmental food processing impact. International cooperation with active projects in Mexico and South America, Europe and more recently China.