Journal of Forensic Research and Crime Studies (JFRCS)

ISSN No: 2374-7900


Wayne D. Lord

University of Central Oklahoma
W. Roger Webb Forensic Science Institute


Dr. Wayne D. Lord is currently a Professor in the W. Roger Webb Forensic Science Institute (FSI) and Department of Biology at the University of Central Oklahoma. In addition to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in the forensic, behavioral, and biological sciences, he serves as the Graduate Program Advisor for the FSI. As a former Supervisory Special Agent and twenty-one year veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, he has previously served in a wide variety of investigative and supervisory assignments in the forensic and behavioral sciences. Dr. Lord served as a Unit Chief in the FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime (NCAVC) which is part of the FBI's Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG). Specifically, Dr. Lord directed Behavioral Analysis Unit -III, which provides behaviorally-based investigative and operational support to time sensitive and complex crimes involving child victims, including child abductions, child homicides, mysterious disappearances of children, and child sexual victimization. Additionally, Dr. Lord provided oversight for the NCAVC’s behavioral research program. Following completion of New Agent’s training in 1986, Dr. Lord was assigned to the Hartford, CT Resident Agency of the FBI’s New Haven Field Division, and subsequently served in the Forensic Science Research and Training Center (FSRTC) of the FBI’s Laboratory Division. Dr. Lord was instrumental in the conceptualization, development, and management of the FBI’s nationwide Evidence Response Team (ERT) program. He has also served as a field division relief supervisor, FBI pilot-in-command and SWAT team member. Prior to entering FBI service, Dr. Lord served as a USAF Medical Entomologist - Parasitologist at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) in Washington, DC and held an adjunct faculty appointment at the F. Edward Hebert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) in Bethesda, MD. Additionally, Dr. Lord served as a forensic science consultant to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP). Dr. Lord holds academic degrees in biology, entomology/ecology, and zoology. He has extensive experience in criminal investigations, the detection and recovery of human remains, crime scene management, forensic entomology, and in the behavioral analysis of violent crimes. Dr. Lord has co-authored over fifty scientific articles and book chapters, and lectures extensively throughout the United States and abroad. Dr. Lord's research interests include the application of insect ecology to human and wildlife forensic investigations; the study of juvenile mortality in social organisms; the behavioral ecology of child abduction and child homicide; vertebrate taphonomy; and the biology/ecology of emerging parasitic diseases.

Research Interest

Behavioral Ecology of Child Abduction and Child Homicide Vertebrate Decomposition and Taphonomy Population Ecology of Yellowjacket Wasps (Hymenoptera:Vespidae) Foraging Behavior of Honeybees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Parasites of Marine Vertebrates